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TRAMONTINA 不銹鋼烤架刷 41.7CM手柄 | STAINLESS STEEL GRILL BRUSH WITH A 41.7 CM WOOD HANDLE|巴西製造|特長手柄 - 燒烤專用|made in Brazil|long handle BBQ tool



保養燒烤架是保證所供應肉類質量的最重要任務之一。 為了幫助您清潔,您可以依靠帶有 41.7 厘米木柄的 Tramontina Churrasco 不銹鋼烤架刷。 有了這個工具,由於不銹鋼刷毛的柔韌性和阻力,清潔烤架和烤肉串將變得更加容易和實用。 木柄使使用更容易、更安全。 確保易於清潔的產品! 刷子採用不銹鋼結構和刷毛 天然木柄 鋁鉚釘 首次使用前徹底清洗並擦乾物品 小心處理尖銳物品,並將它們放在兒童接觸不到的地方 對於更持久的產品,請在存放前充分乾燥 請根據現有的回收指南迴收產品和包裝 Taking care of the BBQ grill is one of the most important tasks for guaranteeing the quality of the meat you'll be serving. And to help you clean, you can count on the Tramontina Churrasco stainless steel grill brush with a 41.7 cm wood handle. With this tool, cleaning your grill and skewers will be a much easier and more practical task thanks to the flexibility and resistance of the stainless steel bristles. The wood handle makes it easier and safer to use. A product that ensures easy cleaning! Brush with stainless steel structure and bristles. Natural wood handle. Aluminum rivets. Wash and dry items thoroughly before first use. Handle sharp objects with care and keep them out of the reach of children. For longer-lasting products, dry well before storing. Please recycle products and packaging in accordance with existing recycling guidelines.
