消費即享全單 95 折優惠!


會員需登入並作任何消費,即享全單 95 折優惠。折扣商品同時適用。實際折扣金額會於結帳時自動扣除,有效期至 2046-12-31。

購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )


顧客凡購物滿HKD 300.00即享運費減免優惠(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )。金額會於結帳時自動扣除,有效期至 31/12/2025。



Carl Oscar - N’ice Box™ – Kids 保冷飯盒

HKD 219.00HKD 175.00

款式 Style



• 包括一個帶蓋的可嵌套內盒,以便您可以單獨包裝不同的食物。非常適合新鮮蔬菜、水果或沙拉醬。 • 平放並冰冷冷凍板6小時,室溫下保持涼爽長達 5 小時。冷凍板藏於蓋底下 • 蓋頂部是通用餐具 • 不含鉛、BPA 和鄰苯二甲酸鹽 • Includes a nesting inner box with lid • Freeze the cooling disc horizontally for at least 6 hours, and it will keep your food cold for about 5 hours at room temperature • a spork included on the lid • BPA-, phthalate- and lead-free and the cooling disc contains non-toxic cooling gel Keep Cold: 5h Capacity: 0.9 L • 30.4 oz Inner box: 0.22 L • 7 oz Dimensions: 12.5 x 17 x 8 cm • 4.9’’ x 6.7’’ x 3.1’’ Weight: 355 g • 12.5 oz MATERIAL: PP Tritan™ Co-Polyester-plastic silicone non-toxic cooling gel




  • 香港 本地送貨
  • 順豐速運自取服務
  • 實體店自取


  • 八達通
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  • 微信支付
  • 信用卡
  • PayMe
  • 支付寶
  • 銀聯
  • 信用卡 / PayPal Wallet
  • 銀行轉帳


更改或取消訂單 * 按下「結帳」後於盡快電郵 neatohk@gmail.com  或 WhatsApp/Facebook留言 與我方聯絡 * 當訂單狀况為「運送中」,將不能更改或取消訂單,而訂單更改不可涉及或影響已繳付的總金額。
 * 一般情況下,已接受訂單都不能更改地址 可退貨商品條件 * 商品本身已有明顯的裂紋或破損
 * 款式與圖片截然不同
 * 商品錯發
 * 簽收後七個工作天內可以退換
 * 退貨時請包含所有完整的包裝 (說明書、包裝盒、商品原廠標籤、廠商保證書、贈品、全部配件等等);貨品上的標籤或吊牌必須保持完整,如有破壞或折曲都不能退換 不可退貨商品條件 * 所有特價貨品恕不能退換
 * 進行退貨核實時發現因人為破壞的商品 * 簽收後才損壞的商品 * 因為發貨時間太長而要求退款 * 超過了我方提供的退貨期限 (簽收後7個工作天內);若我方未能於7天內收回貨品,將保留取消退還貨品的權利 * 顧客主觀原因︰極小污點、電腦顯示/現場燈光造成的色差(不同顯示器會有不同的色差)、款式不美觀不好看等等 * 已開封並使用過的不能退換 更換商品條件 * 簽收後七個工作天內可以退換
 * 所有特價貨品恕不能退換
 * 進行更換核實時發現因人為破壞的商品 * 不可更換不同款式、不同類型、不同品牌的商品 * 只限更換不同顏色或尺寸 * 更換貨品時請包含所有完整的包裝 (說明書、包裝盒、商品原廠標籤、廠商保證書、贈品、全部配件等等);貨品上的標籤或吊牌必須保持完整,如有破壞或折曲都不能退換 * 已開封並使用過的不能退換 Amendment & Cancellation * After the "Place Order" , please contact us by sending email to neatohk@gmail.com or leave a message on WhatsApp or Facebook * When status is marked as "Under Delivery / On the way", the order cannot be cancelled. And order amendment can only be made when it does not affect the total amount paid
 * Generally, the received address cannot be changed when the order has been accepted Returnable Conditions * There are obvious crack or breakage in the product
 * The product style is different with the display pictures
 * Send the wrong style or color
 * The goods can be returned within 7 working days after sign off you product
 * When you would like to return product, please include all the complete packaging (Instructions, Packing Box, Commodity Original Label, Manufacturer Warranty, Gifts, All Accessories etc.);Make sure that the package is undamaged, tags are intact and attached to the item, and if any of these are damaged, they are deemed to be non-returnable.
 Cannot Returnable Conditions * All clearance goods cannot be returned
 * We found the vandalism goods during return verification * The goods was damaged after sign off the package * Request a refund as the delivery time is too long * Over the return period (within 7 working days after sign off );if we cannot received the goods over 7 days, we will be not accepted the return of goods * Customer subjective reasons︰Minimal stain, Computer display / lighting affected color difference (Different monitors will have different color), The style is unsightly etc. * Opened and used items cannot be returned Replacement Conditions * The goods can be replaced within 7 working days after sign off you product
 * All clearance goods cannot be returned
 * When We found the vandalism goods during replace verification, the replacement will be not acceptable * Cannot replace different style,  type and brand * Only can change different Color or Size * When you would like to replace product, please include all the complete packaging (Instructions, Packing Box, Commodity Original Label, Manufacturer Warranty, Gifts, All Accessories etc.);Make sure that the package is undamaged, tags are intact and attached to the item, and if any of these are damaged, they are deemed to be non-returnable.
 * Opened and used items cannot be replaced
